
and growth Learn more about and growth

  • Master the growth law of sheep for fattening

    Master the growth law of sheep for fattening

    Master the growth law of sheep for fattening

  • How to use plant growth regulators is wrong?

    How to use plant growth regulators is wrong?

    How to use plant growth regulators is wrong? Why is this wrong? We also ask experienced netizens to introduce that plant growth regulators are mainly exogenous non-nutritive chemicals, which can be transmitted to the active site in the plant and can promote or inhibit its life process at a very low concentration.

  • What are the growth regulators commonly used in agriculture?

    What are the growth regulators commonly used in agriculture?

    When farmers grow crops, they often use growth regulators, which can promote or control crop growth and development, and there are many growth regulators commonly used in the market, which play different roles. Through the use of growth regulators

    2020-11-27 Agriculture commonly used growth regulators what are they?
  • How to apply plant growth regulators to pollution-free agricultural products?

    How to apply plant growth regulators to pollution-free agricultural products?

    How to apply plant growth regulators to pollution-free agricultural products? Please introduce that plant growth regulators are physiologically active substances synthesized or extracted from microorganisms that play a significant role in regulating the growth and development of plants. Here, we collectively refer to the trace chemicals that regulate plant growth and development as plant hormones or plants.

  • What is a plant growth regulator

    What is a plant growth regulator

    What are plant growth regulators? Please give a detailed description of plant growth regulators are a class of substances used to regulate plant growth and development. Plant growth regulators, also known as plant exogenous hormones, are generally produced by synthetic or microbial fermentation. Their physiological and biological effects are similar to those of natural plants.

  • Growth cycle of Amorphophallus Konjac

    Growth cycle of Amorphophallus Konjac

    The growth cycle of Amorphophallus konjac usually takes about 5 years. The growth cycle of konjac varies greatly from place to place, such as along the Han River in Shaanxi, the growth period of the aboveground part of konjac is 180 days, and the annual growth period of underground tubers is about 200 days; along the Weihe River in Guanzhong, the growth cycle of the aboveground part is about 150 days.

    2020-11-09 Konjac growth cycle konjac general
  • What should I pay attention to when using plant growth regulators?

    What should I pay attention to when using plant growth regulators?

    What should I pay attention to when using plant growth regulators? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce that plant growth regulators can enhance crop resistance, increase crop yield, improve product quality and improve planting efficiency. But you can't use it blindly, otherwise it will affect the effect of use. The seed net has sorted out the plant growth regulators.

  • Points for attention in the use of plant growth regulators

    Points for attention in the use of plant growth regulators

    Points for attention in the use of plant growth regulators

  • The days accompanied by vanilla must also be fragrant.

    The days accompanied by vanilla must also be fragrant.

    Brainstorm you have 40 friends to follow the official account! / / A kind of vanilla has a mood / / vanilla is a kind of plant that can smell fragrance at the mention of its name. Why do you like it? It looks ordinary, and there are no bright flowers.

  • The difference between Plant growth regulator and growth Agent

    The difference between Plant growth regulator and growth Agent

    In the process of pollution-free tea production, how to correctly select pollution-free plant growth regulators? Promoting the use of Bud and Leaf growth regulators Brassinolide, BR-120 and Tianfengsu are widely used in pollution-free tea production in China. Tea trees apply this kind of plant growth regulator.

  • What misunderstandings are easy to occur in the use of plant regulators?

    What misunderstandings are easy to occur in the use of plant regulators?

    Plant growth regulators, which are synthetic (or natural ones extracted from microorganisms), are organic compounds with similar effects of natural plant hormones on growth and development. What misunderstandings are easy to occur in the use of plant regulators? Introduction to the use of regulators in plants

    2020-11-08 Plants regulators make use easy appear what misunderstandings
  • Two Plant growth regulators of cultivated Cymbidium

    Two Plant growth regulators of cultivated Cymbidium

    Two Plant growth regulators of cultivated Cymbidium

  • Study on Aquatic growth promoting Agent

    Study on Aquatic growth promoting Agent

    Study on Aquatic growth promoting Agent

  • Two kinds of plant growth regulators used in national orchid

    Two kinds of plant growth regulators used in national orchid

    Two kinds of plant growth regulators used in national orchid

  • Orchids and Plant growth regulators

    Orchids and Plant growth regulators

    Carry forward the national orchid culture and spread the orchid knowledge about what is a plant growth regulator. Lanyou may not understand it very well, but when it comes to hormones, Lan you will be clear. in the past, like everyone else, I have little knowledge of hormones, and I often hear Lan you say.

  • Five misunderstandings should be prevented in the use of plant growth regulators

    Five misunderstandings should be prevented in the use of plant growth regulators

    Organophosphorus insecticides are the most widely used and most widely used insecticides in China, with a wide variety of varieties and different properties, but generally speaking, they have the following characteristics: (1) the insecticidal spectrum is wide. At present, some commonly used varieties of organophosphorus insecticides can control a variety of agricultural and forestry pests, and some can be used to control sanitary pests.

  • What should we pay attention to when using plant growth regulators?

    What should we pay attention to when using plant growth regulators?

    What should we pay attention to when using plant growth regulators? Please guide plant growth regulators have been widely used in grain, cotton, fruit, vegetable crops, often due to improper use resulting in poor effect or frequent occurrence of diseases. Therefore, when using plant growth regulators, we should pay attention to the following points:.

  • Environmental requirements of Tremella fuciformis growth

    Environmental requirements of Tremella fuciformis growth

    Environmental requirements of Tremella fuciformis growth

  • Advantages of plant growth regulators

    Advantages of plant growth regulators

    Advantages of plant growth regulators

  • Analysis and Control of garlic Diseases in Jinxiang

    Analysis and Control of garlic Diseases in Jinxiang

    Editor's note Jinxiang, Shandong Province is the most important garlic producing area in China, and several diseases have been plaguing garlic farmers in recent years. Although many people's analyses have been reported in some newspapers, many of them are ambiguous and beside the point. Recently, this newspaper specially invited teacher Song Yuanlin, a vegetable expert from Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, to conduct a survey among garlic farmers, and now publish the understanding and preliminary conclusions as follows. Garlic secondary growth and bread garlic phenomenon when garlic grows to a certain period in spring, the scale buds begin to differentiate and the leaves degenerate.
